Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

Heroes and Skills to look out for

Heroes you have to look out for as new player:

Some hero can surprise new players very much, when they do now know what is damaging them or what to expect.

Heroes with a large range skills that can catch you offguard while you do not see anyone on screen yet:
- Kunkka (Torrent -> stuns and slows you for a short amount of time)
- Pudge (Hook -> pulls you to Pudge)
- Priestress of the Moon (Arrow -> stuns you depending on how far Priestress was away (5s for mid to long range arrows))
- Invoker (Tornado -> pulls you up into the air for a short amount of time and debuffs)
- Clockwerk Goblin: Hookshot: can latch to a unit in a straight line from far away (only enemies if he does not own Aghanims Scepter (an item))
- Spiritbreaker: Charge of Darkness: runs to you in very fast speed, a buff icon will be displayed when he is not too far away of you anymore
- Earthshaker: Fissure: long range stun that creates a barrier that lasts 8 seconds and can block your path
- Sniper: Assassinate: high damage nuke of  a very long range
- Vengeful Spirit: Nether Swap: exchanges places with your hero over a later in the game large distance
- Storm Spirit: Ball Lightning: by using his mana he can jump over long distances and deal damage based on his travelling distance (and then ofc follow up with the rest of his skills)
- Windrunner: Powershot: long range medium damage nuke
- Tinker: Heat Seeking Missles: long range medium damage nuke flying to the two nearest heroes
- Puck: Illusory Orb: fires a slow traveling, damaging orb with a large range, to which he can teleport

Heroes that can damage you no matter where you are or can move to you at any moment and no matter where you are:
- Nature's Prophet (can teleport anywhere on the map, his ultimate also is a global nuke, for which he needs vision of you though)
- Ancient Apparition (his ultimate can fly anywhere on the map and can kill of low HP heroes easily, do not stay at front lines too long with moving very much; prevents healing while under the effect of it)
- Zeus (ulti: damaging nuke hits all heroes except when they are invisible, then it just reveals them)
- Spectre (creates an illusion at every enemy hero and can teleport to those illusions with her ultimate and then damage/chase the heroes; again, don't stay alone with low hp on the front lines)
- Invoker (sunstrike: a global targetable, high damage nuke)
- Wisp (ulti: can teleport anywhere on the map, if he wants together with an allied hero, attack and then disappears again after 10 seconds)
- Gyrocopter (ultimate with aghanim's upgrade (an item) has global range)

Heroes with invisibility (note: invisibility is broken once the invisible attacks):
- Rikimaru: Permanent Invisibility (after lvl 6 always invisible as long as he is not attacking)
- Bounty Hunter: Wind Walk
- Clinkz: Skeleton Walk (moves very fast while invis)
- Templar Assassin: Meld (cannot move while invis)
- Weaver (moves at max. movement speed while invis)
- Nyx Assassin: Vendetta (long duration, slight movement speed increase)
- Treant Protector: Nature's Guise (can cast this on allied units as well, so be careful)
- Invoker: Ghostwalk (moves slowly on lower levels while invis, but will also slow heroes around him)
- Lycanthrope: Summon Wolves on skill level 4
- Sand King: Sandstorm: cannot move, but does damage in medium AOE while being in Sandstorm
- Priestress of the Moon: Moonlight Shadow: turns all allied heroes as well as herself invis for a short amount of time, fade time is longer than those of other skills
- Phantom Lancer: Doppelwalk: creates an visible illusion that runs into the same direction as him while turning invisible
- Broodmother: Spin Web: Broodmother and her Spiderlings are invisible when inside her web
- Item: Shadow Blade

High damage skills/combos:
- Axe: Culling Blade: can kill you instantly if you are below 300 / 450 / 600 HP (ulti level 1/2/3) at close range
- Tiny: Avalance+Toss: deals massive damage if cast on the same unit (he needs to stand near to you to be able to do so, so keep your distance)
- Huskar: Lifebreak: remove a percentage of your current health and slows you
- Juggernaut: Omnislash: deals massive physical damage on lonely targets by executing several slashes on them (will do less damage if more units are in the area and the slashes are distributed randomly between them)
- Luna: Eclipse: calls down many Lucent Beams that deal magical damage
- Nevermore: Requiem of Souls: if you are very near him, you will get massive damage; combined with his Shadowrazes, he can pump out much magical damage in a short amount of time
- Venomancer: Poison Nova: strong damage over time effect applied over a large area around him
- Lina: Laguna Blade: high damage single target nuke
- Ogre Magi: Fireblast+Multicast: chance to deal massive magical damage on a single target and stun for a short amount of time
- Lion: Finger of Death: high damage single target nuke
- Lich: Chain Frost: Nuke that jumps between multiple targets, deals massive damage if 2 targets are standing near to each other, since it will bounce back and forth (as long as they are near to each other and the maximum bounce number is not reached)
- Necrolyte: Reaper's Scythe: deals much damage based on the amount of HP the target is missing
- Outworld Destroyer: Sanity's Eclipse: if Outworld Destroyer has a well filled inventory, chances are high he will huge damage in a large AOE with this skill; to finish his Arcane Orb deals pure damage based on the amount of mana he has, very dangerous if he gets many items
- Queen of Pain: Sonic Wave, coupled with Scream of Pain can deal much magical damage in a medium AOE over a short amount of time

Groupfight AOE ultimates (including some kind of aoe slow or disable):
- Tidehunter: Ravage: AOE stun in extremely long range (blocked by BKB unlike most other ultis)
- Treant Protector: Overgrowth: stops movement in medium range and deals some damage, targets can still cast spells so be careful, can be removed by gaining magic immunity AFTER Overgrowth was used
- Earth Shaker: Echo Slam: more damaging the more allied units are around him when he casts it
- Magnataur: Reverse Polarity: pulls nearby enemies to himself and stuns them
- Sand King: Epicenter: slows and deals massive damage in a medium AOE around him over some seconds, he needs to channel it before the effect takes place, so stun/disable him while he does that or run away if you can.
- Naga Siren: Song of the Siren: sleeps enemy units and structures in a large area, serves as easy escape and initiate mechanism, does get blocked by magical immunity
- Faceless Void: Chronosphere: only Void himself can move, attack and use spells in its medium AOE, everyone else is frozen
- Crystal Maiden: Freezing Field: damage and both attack and movement speed slow in a medium AOE around her
- Puck: Dream Coil: stuns enemies shortly, if they run out of its AOE they will get stunned by a longer time
- Silencer: Global Silence: prevents all enemies from using spells globally for a short amount of time
- Enigma: Blackhole: sucks in enemies in a medium AOE and disables them (can't use spells or items), Blackhole is channeling and stops when Enigma is stunned/disabled while casting it
- Warlock: Chaotic Offering: summons a golem and stuns over a large area while doing so

Mobility skills (can escape or get in range easily) that were not mentioned yet:
- Priestress of the Moon: Leap
- Wisp: Tether: needs allied units to latch to
- Night Stalker: Hunter in the Night: high movement speed at night
 - Sand King: Burrowstrike: short-medium range stun to a target and he moves to the destination (with this he can move over cliffs)
- Rikimaru: Blink Strike: teleports to a nearby unit and attacks it with bonus damage if it is an enemy
- Phantom Assassin: Phantom Strike: teleports to a nearby unit and attacks it with increased attack speed if it is an enemy
- Morphling: Waveform: jumps over a medium-large distance and deals damage on his way
- Faceless Void: Time Walk: jumps over a large distance and slows everything hit on his way
- Dark Seer: Surge: can improve the speed of himself or a target allied unit to max movement speed over a medium duration

- Windrunner: Windrunner: increases her movement speed for a short time and leaves a trail that slows movement of enemy units

Item: Force Staff
Item: Blink Dagger

Special skills that you might not expect / complicated mechanics that have not been mentioned yet:
- Kunkka: X marks the Spot: once cast upon a unit will move it back to this spot after a short time (even if you moved very far away, f.e. with a Town Portal Scroll)
- Brewmaster: Primal Split: splits into 3 units that have a bunch of abilties (stun, cylone, windwalk, immolation being the most important to look out for)
- Tiny: Toss: can throw a unit to another unit
- Axe: Battlehunger:  a damage over time effect over a long duration that is cancelled if you kill a unit
- Doom Bringer: Doom: prevents skill and item use for a relatively long time on a single target
- Life Stealer: Infest: can infest enemy, allied or neutral creeps and allied heroes and jump out of them when he wants to or when the unit is killed. If he infested an enemy or neutral creep, he will regain health based on the current HP of the creep when he jumped out
- Skeleton King: Reincarnation: as long as this skill is ready and he has the needed mana for it, he will be revived 5 seconds after dying on the battlefield
- Slardar: Amplify Damage: removes a big portion of a single targets armor and grants vision on it for the time this debuff lasts
- Undying: Decay: reduces your strength by 4 for some time and gains it himself (depends on level of the skill), reduces HP (and damage for strength heroes) for some time, this will be regained once the strength is transferred to your hero again
- Tidehunter: Krakenshell: every time he takes 600 damage it will remove all stuns/disables on him
- Naga Siren: Ensnare: restricts movement for a relatively long duration, also reveals invisible units as long as they are in then net
- Bloodseeker: Rupture: you will get damaged while you run, also does some initial damage, TP out if he comes alone and would beat you if you stay at one place
- Chen: Hand of God: can heal allied heroes globally
- Chen: Holy Persuasion: if cast on an allied hero he will be transported to his fountain after a short time
- Windrunner: Shackleshot: binds a target to a unit or tree behind it and stuns it/them
- Disruptor: Glimpse: moves your hero to the position he was a short time before (so if you TP to a tower, Disruptor can use Glimpse to send you back to base)
- Tinker: Rearm: resets all cooldowns on his skills and active items
- Rubick: Spell Steal: steals the skill last used by target unit
- Bane: Nightmare: sleeps a target and deals little damage for a relatively long duration, target unit is unable to move or use items or spells, if it gets attacked by a normal attack from another unit this unit will sleep instead (duration is refreshed) and the attacked unit will wake up
- Pugna: Nether Ward: everytime an enemy unit uses mana to cast a spell in a big AOE around the ward, it will take damage for each point of mana used
- Warlock: Fatal Bonds: links units' lifepools to each other and they will share some of the damage each unit is dealt
- Batrider: Sticky Napalm: stacks up to 10 times and makes you slower with each time, so don't let him stack it to more than 3 and better go back until the stacks wear off, also amplifies his damage
- Dazzle: Shallow Grave: target unit cannot be killed for a short duration (except by Axe's Culling Blade)
- Invoker: Deafening Blast: besides pushing back and dealing damage also disarms enemy units in the AOE, meaning they cannot use attacks for a short while
- Leshrac: Diabolic Editc: deals massive physical damage in an area around him as long as only a few enemy units are in this area (so don't go near him alone if you are not sure that you can kill him off faster)
- Witch Doctor: Maledict: curses heroes in a small AOE and they will get damage based on the damage they were dealt since the curse was applied
Ancient Apparition: Cold Feet: damages, will stun you if you do not move a medium distance away from your original position

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