Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012

Dota vocabulary

If you are new to the game and genre, you will have a hard time to understand people if they are throwing around established term's of the game.

general terms:
noob - bad player
russian - racist comment that implies the person is a bad player
plz - please
thx, ty - thank you
lol - laughing out loud, finding something funny
rofl - rolling on floor laughing, finding something very funny
s(tf)u - shut (the fuck) up
gg - good game, depending on the context this can be either "I give up, my team is too nooby" or just the statement that the game was good at the end of a match
ff - forfeit, "I give up" (although you cannot give up in Dota 2)
afk - away from keyboard, can also be heard from teammates or enemies that have already given up on the game and need to let everyone know how they are feeling
brb - be right back
fail - what it says
b - back
k - ok
run - retreat as soon as possible
rdy - ready
gj - good job
gl - good luck
hf - have fun

locations / things on the map:
top - top lane
mid - middle lane
bot, bottom - bottom lane
miss (top | mid | bot) - signalize your team mates that an enemy hero is missing on lane
mia (top | mid | bot) - similar to miss, "missing in action"
rune - power up in the river between mid and the outer lanes, spawns every two minutes starting at 0:00; can randomly be either between mid and top or mid and bot lane; possible power ups: invisibility, double damage, haste (max movement speed), illusion (creates two illusions of your hero that deal less damage and die faster)
tower - defensive structures situated along the lanes
tier 1, 2, 3 (tower) - the first destroyable tower is the tier 1 tower, after you destroyed it you can touch the tier 2 tower and so on
tree, throne - main buildings of Radiant and Dire
Radiant - team that starts at the lower half of the map
Dire - team that starts at the upper half of the map
rax - barracks, destroyed barrack will lead to stronger enemy creeps
creeps - simple allied or enemy units that spawn every 30 seconds on each lane (at rax' position)
neutrals or neutral creeps - creeps that both you and your enemies can kill for gold and experience, they spawn every full minute at different spots in both of the forests, there are small, middle, big camps and also ancient camps ("ancients"), will be covered in a seperate guide later on
Roshan, Rosh - a special neutral creep that drops aegis (item grants reincarnation once) and later also Cheese (item that heals a big amount of HP and Mana), located between mid and bottom lane in a enclosed area of the river
juke spot - a location on the map / in the forest that can be used well for juking

assists - number of times you helped you teammates to achieve a kill on an enemy hero
farming - focussing on last hitting and gaining gold as fast as possible
farm - the amount of gold+items someone has gathered so far
cs - creep stats, how many last hits you've got, most of the time used analogous to farm ("how much cs do you have?"=
last hitting - dealing the killing blow to creeps (or heroes)
kill steal - dealing the killing blow on an enemy hero that was most certainly dead without your interference and your team mate that would have killed him needs the gold to be effective (aka "carry")
roam - don't stay on a lane in early game but instead move between lanes and help out where help is needed
gank - attempt to kill an enemy with a surprise attack
team fight - a big fight with 3 or more heroes involved on every team
nuke - cast a high damage spell on an enemy hero
leave - leave the game or lane
go - order to engage in combat or follow a plan, if you talk about a go in past tense this means the engage as a whole
animation canceling - right clicking just right after a attack or spell has been execute to prevent the hero from backswinging and thus saving time / continuing to move again earlier
orb-walking - some heroes know a spell that modifies their normal attack, orb-walking is animation canceling with those abilities and by doing that using less time for each attack and more time moving forward to chase a target
chasing - follow an enemy in order to kill it
harassing - attack enemy heros on lane while not getting hit back to gain a HP advantage and make them more likely to die if you use spells on them later on
channeling - stand still in order for a spell to have the desire effect (examples: witch doctor ultimate, pugna ultimate, sand king ultimate)
(shift)-queuing - queue commands by holding shift, f.e. that can be: teleport to a tower, hold shift, then issue a move command to the place the hero should go to. right after the hero arrived at the tower via town portal, he will start moving to his/her destination
jungling, wooding - farming in the forest/wood from the beginning
stacking - pull creeps out of their camp, so that new creeps can spawn at full minute at the spot you are pulling (timing about x:51)
pulling - attacking creeps and then running away to lure them away from their camp. either used for stacking or to lure them to your creeps so that they attack the neutrals creeps for diverse benefits like bonus farm or denying creeps to the enemy
warding - use Observer Wards to grant your team vision of some important spots on the map like rune spots and  entrances to the Radiant or Dire territories, can also block neutral creep spawns
draw aggro - get into focus of enemy creeps by attacking the enemy with your normal attack
tower dive - follow the enemy hero under his tower, with or without creep support
juking - using narrow passages of the map (or creating them with Quelling Blade or Tangoes) or prevent the enemy from seing you when running away by using the fog of war to your advantage
escape - get out of danger
opa! - expressing that someone played really well, can also be sarcastic

spell properties:
stun -  target will not be able to move, attack or use spells
ministun - interrupts channeling / cast animations for a very short time
disable - disables the ability to attack and/or move and/or cast spells or restricts those aspects in a certain way
slow - reduces movement speed
disarm - disables the ability to attack
bash - similar to stun, but unlike most spell properties works on magic immune targets
dot - damage over time; the spells damage will be dealt in more than one instances of a longer time (some seconds)
blink - instantaneous movement from one place to another
range - a spells range
aoe - area of effect, defines the size of the effected area
cd - cooldown; time until the spell is ready again
ulti - ultimate skill of a hero, most of the times their strongest ability with a long cooldown, becomes available at levels 6, 11 and 16; most ultis work on magic immune target (but won't do any of their magical damage)
magical damage - damage reduced by magic resistance, blocked by magic immunity
physical damage - damage reduced by armor
mixed damage - damage reduced by both armor and magic resistance
pure damage - damage that does not get reduced, blocked by magic immunity 

hero roles:
carry, dpser - a hero that excels in the later stages of the game if he has farmed well, most times very item dependant
semi-carry - a hero that contributes well to the team from mid to lategame, but get owned by carries
supporter - not item dependant hero that will be focussed on supporting other heroes of his team with his spells and abilities
ward bitch - not item dependant, will spend most of his money for observer and sentry wards, dust and smoke
jungler - a hero that excels at farming the jungle early on
initiator (often also falsely called "tank") - a hero that can open fights with good disabling skills and does not die immidiately while doing so
ganker, roamer - a hero that will help out different lanes from very early on
healer - term seldomly used, but can describe a hero that has an ability to heal allys

common hero abbreviations / old names / short names:
Earth Shaker: ES, Shaker
Kunkka: Kunk
Beastmaster: BM (can also mean Broodmother or Brewmaster, so be careful with that), Rexx
Dragon Knight: DK
Clockwork Goblin: Clock
Omniknight: Omni
Huskar: Husk
Alchemist: Alche, Alchi
Brewmaster: BM, Panda
Treant Protector: Tree, Roof
Sand King: SK
Slardar: Slard
Tidehunter: Tide
Skeleton King: SKK, SK (can also mean Sand King)
Nightstalker: NS, Bala
Doombringer: Doom
Spiritbreaker: Bara, SB
Lycanthrope: Lycan, Lyc
Chaos Knight: CK
Undying: Undy
Anti Mage: AM
Drow Ranger: Drow
Juggernaut: Jugg, Yurn
Mirana: Mira
Morphling: Morph
Phantom Lancer: PL
Vengeful Spirit: Venge, VS
Rikimaru: Riki, SA
Templar Assassin: TA, Lanaya
Gondar: Gond
Gyrocopter: Gyro
Lone Druid: Sylla
Bloodseeker: BS
Shadow Fiend: SF
Venomancer: Veno
Faceless Void: Void
Phantom Assassin: PA, Mortred
Broodmother: BM, Brood
Spectre: Spec
Crystal Maiden: CM, Rylai
Storm Spirit: Storm
Windrunner: WR
Nature's Prophet: Furion, Furi, Prophet
Enchantress: Ench, Encha
Silencer: Sile
Ogre Magi: Ogre
Disruptor: Thrall
Witch Doctor: WD
Enigma: Enig
Necrolyte: Nec, Necro
Warlock: WL
Shadow Shaman: Rhasta
Queen of Pain: QoP
Krobelus: Krob, Krobe
Pugna: Pug
Leshrac: Lesh
Dark Seer: DS, Seer
Batrider: Bat
Ancient Apparition: AA
Invoker: seldomly: Carl, Kael 
Outworld Destroyer: OD, Obsi
Shadow Demon: SD

item abbreviations:
Clarity Potion: Clarity
Smoke of Deceit: Smoke
Town Portal Scroll: TP
Dust of Appearance: Dust
Observer Ward: ward
Sentry Ward: sentry
Ironwood Branch: Branch
Belt of Strength: Belt
Robe of Magi: Robe
Ring of Protection: RoP
Quelling Blade: QB
Stout Shield: Stout, Shield
Ring of Regeneration: RoR
Gem of Truesight: Gem
Blink Dagger: Dagger
Power Treads: Treads, PT
Perseverance: Perse
Boots of Travel: BoT, BT
Ring of Basilius: Basi, RoB
Urn of Shadows: Urn
Medaillon of Courage: Medaillon, MoC
Drum of Endurance: Drum
Vladmirs Offering: Vlads
Mekansm: Mek, Meka
Pipe of Insight: Pipe
Necronomicon 1-3: Nec, Necro
Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Euls
Veil of Discord: Veil
Rod of Atos: Atos
Aghanims Scepter: Agha, Scepter
Orchid Malevolence: Orchid
Scythe of Vyse: Hex, sheepstick
Armlet of Mordiggian: Armlet
Skull Basher: Basher
Shadow Blade: Lothars
Battlefury: BF
Ethereal Blade: EB
Radiance: Radi
Monkey King Bar: MKB
Daedalus: Buri
Butterfly: Butter
Divine Rapier: Divine
Abyssal Blade: Abyssal
Hood of Defiance: HoD
Vanguard: Vang
Black King Bar: BKB
Shiva's Guard: Shivas
Manta Style: Manta
Linken's Sphere: Linkens
Assault Cuirass: AC
Heart of Tarrasque: HoT
Helm of the Dominator: HotD
Mask of Madness: MoM
Maelstrom: Mael
Diffusal Blade: Diffu
Desolator: Deso
Heaven's Halber: HH, Halberd
Sange and Yasha: SnY
Eye of Skaadi: EoS, Skaadi
Sacred Relic: Relic
Ring of Health: RoH

Missing something or have to correct something? Tell me and I will add it, if it seems correct.

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